Monday, November 7, 2011

Mulism pilgrims gather in Saudi Arabia for hajj

Name:Ricardo Matadamas
Article: #4
Title of Newspaper:North County Times
Title of Article:Mulism pilgrims gather in Saudi Arabia for hajj
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MECCA, Saudi Arabia ---- Muslims from across the world descended on this holy city ahead of the annual hajj pilgrimage, many of them with prayers for a peaceful resolution to the wave of uprisings roiling the Arab world.
Some 2.5 million people are expected to take part in the five-day event that starts Saturday, Saudi authorities said. The pilgrimage focuses on Mecca, Islam's holiest site and the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.
This year's hajj takes place amid an unprecedented wave of anti-government protests in the Arab world that has toppled autocrats in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Uprisings have also shaken regimes in Yemen, Bahrain and Syria.
While hajj is a time to seek forgiveness for one's sins and meditate on the faith, the unrest across the region remained at the forefront of the minds of many pilgrims.

This Relates to what we are doing in class, because we have the right to choose our Religion and freedom of speech. Some People from different places around the world dont have the same rights as us and might not be able to do everything we do. we also leanred about different places in the world such as
Afghanistan, Africa, and Japan. In different places in the world they are forced to be in a religion they dont even believe in but if they talk back they could be hanged by the king or the government.

"We lived 40 years of oppression, slavery and injustice," he said outside Mecca's Grand Mosque, with his identification card bearing the red, green and black flag of the revolution. "I'd like to address the Libyan people who were patient all these 40 years and tell them to be patient one or two more years so that the security be maintained and the situation be better." We as Americans are some of the most luckiest people in the world as we have different rights and we have the bill of rights and the Constitution.

The pilgrimage is packed with symbolism and ritual aimed at cleansing the soul of sin and winning absolution by tracing the footsteps of the Prophet Mohammed and Abraham, whom Muslims view as a forefather of Islam.
It culminates when the pilgrims gather on Mount Arafat where the Prophet Mohammed is said to have given his last sermon 14 centuries ago. During the ritual Muslims believe God will grant whatever prayers they make.
Pilgrims then cast pebbles at three pillars that represent Satan in a symbolic rejection of temptation, a day that also marks the start of the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, or feast of sacrifice, when Muslims around the world slaughter sheep and cattle in remembrance of Abraham's near-sacrifice of his son.

Doctors Dine on drug comapnies dime

Name:Ricardo Matadamas
Title of newspaper: North county times
Title of article: Doctors Dine on drug comapnies dime
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        When pharmaceutical companies first started revealing their financial relationships with physicians, almost all of the listed doctors did actual work for them ---- delivering promotional talks, consulting on marketing or new products and conducting research.
But as the firms' reports have become more detailed, hundreds of thousands of doctors are being listed merely for eating lunch or dinner on the company's dime.
ProPublica's initial Dollars for Docs database, released last October, included about 30,000 payment records. The most recent update includes more than half a million.
This connects with what we are doing in class, because we are talking in class about how they are the drug and food administration 
Under federal law, all drug and medical device firms will have to publicly report all payments to physicians, including food, beginning in 2013.
For some doctors, the meals don't appear modest. At least 20 doctors, including Emert, received meals worth $2,000 or more from Pfizer between July 2009 and March of this year. None served as a speaker, consultant or researcher.

Six doctor, most in New York City, received more than $1,000 in meals from Eli Lilly and Co. in the first quarter of this year and performed no services for the company, records show.
Lilly spokesman J. Scott MacGregor said in an email that the spending reflects a mix of in-office business meals and meals at educational events.
"While each individual meal was within Lilly meal limits, we have determined we need to improve awareness among our employees around the standard of occasional meals," he said.
For patients, seeing that their physician received company-paid meals probably wouldn't carry much weight, said George Loewenstein, a professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon University and an advocate for full disclosure of drug-company payments to doctors.

They were given a grant of $1,000 in meals from eli lilly and Co. in the first quater of the year and performed no services for the company, or records show.
"It's much more likely to have a kind of 'Tell-Tale Heart' effect on the physicians," said Loewenstein, whose research has shown that payments and gifts influence actions. "A doctor is very likely to say it's not worth it to take a $15 meal because it's going to get listed on the website."

Friday, November 4, 2011

iPaws Project

Name:Ricardo Matadamas
Title of Newspaper:North County Times
Title of Article: This Week in the Civil War
Web Adress:

          This Week in The Civil War, for week of Sunday, Nov. 6: Battle of Port Royal.
The Associated Press reports that a "great storm at Hatteras Inlet" off North Carolina has drenched Union troops occupying formerly Confederate-held coastal forts there in the first days of November 1861. After the storm, the report adds: "Five rebel steamers came near the inlet yesterday, but returned after firing a couple of shots." The gale is not enough of a deterrent for a U.S. Navy fleet and Army expeditionary force sailing down the coast toward South Carolina on a special mission. The Union force moves into position and opens the Battle of Port Royal Sound, S.C., on Nov. 7, 1861.

         The Civil War connects to us because we learned about the civil war and how the people wanted to be ruled by law not by a king.They broke away from the king and they made the declaration of independence. They also knew they had to make rules so the founding fathers made the Constitution, as we made in our own class room we made our Bill of Right and Our Class Constitution. When we made the constitution attempted  we formed a new imperfect union.

      This Article relates to my life as a citizen, because theres always fights and wars going on everywhere in the world and we as citizens can only bare so much war.Detailed accounts by The Associated Press and others of the Battle of Port Royal, S.C., are reaching newspapers in mid-November of 1861. AP reports Union forces off the South Carolina coast had captured 55 cannons, some 500 muskets and "any quantity of ammunition" in the attack. AP adds: "Thirty dead rebels have been found, and more are being found, having been hastily buried in the sand." The New York Times reports on Nov. 14, 1861, that Union Brig. Gen. Thomas Sherman landed at Port Royal and issued a proclamation to "the people of South Carolina," the state where a Confederate artillery attack on Union-held Fort Sumter opened the war in April 1861.

      We as United States Citizens were Promised Freedom of Speech, Assembly,Religion, Right to Bear Arms, and many more.I Honestly have never seen people take advantage of these rights.People need to stand up for what they believe in. The Civil war has to do alot with the current world and how it works, if we never had the civil war we could of never been the "United States Of America".

Thursday, November 3, 2011

iPaws Project

Name:Ricardo Matadamas
Article: #1
Title of article:Suicide bomber, insurgents attack Afghan company
Topic Article Adress:

            This article talks about disasters/Terroism in Afghanistan A suicide car bomb exploded near the entrance of a private construction company in western Afghanistan. Afghan security forces responded to the attack that began about 10 a.m. and a gun battle was ongoing hours later.The attack, which took place in the province of Herat, comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan.

            The suicide bombers connect with what we are studying in class because we are studying the amendments and one of the amendments protect us from forean eneamys and Afghanistan doesn't have the same law and policy as us. The attack, which took place in the province of Herat, comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan. Five people were killed in that attack, including three working with the U.N.'s Refugee Organization. We also studyied about 911 and our country citizenship.Thursday's attack began with a suicide car bombing near the entrance of the company that sits along the main road to the airport in the provincial capital's Guzra district, said Noorkhan Nekzad, the spokesman for Herat province's police chief.

         This relates to my life, because in any moment in my life were i live i can be attacked by a " foreign Enemy" and could make a deadly disaster, but its most likely not to because of american home
Security. I have seen Terrorist/ foreign  enemy attacks on television for example when the two twin towers
Collapsed into nothing many people had recorded when it had tooken place the huge planes ramming in to the Twin Towers (World Trade Center), it was very tragic.No one Will forget that day..

         The whole terrorist/ foreign  Enemy attack on  Afghanistan  was very despressing many people died who were in the contruction site/ building. The first attack was car bombing around western Afghanistan, then
comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan. Five people were killed in that attack, including three working with the U.N.'s refugee organization. I honestly think that it wasnt fair for all those innocent people to die a horrible death.