Thursday, November 3, 2011

iPaws Project

Name:Ricardo Matadamas
Article: #1
Title of article:Suicide bomber, insurgents attack Afghan company
Topic Article Adress:

            This article talks about disasters/Terroism in Afghanistan A suicide car bomb exploded near the entrance of a private construction company in western Afghanistan. Afghan security forces responded to the attack that began about 10 a.m. and a gun battle was ongoing hours later.The attack, which took place in the province of Herat, comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan.

            The suicide bombers connect with what we are studying in class because we are studying the amendments and one of the amendments protect us from forean eneamys and Afghanistan doesn't have the same law and policy as us. The attack, which took place in the province of Herat, comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan. Five people were killed in that attack, including three working with the U.N.'s Refugee Organization. We also studyied about 911 and our country citizenship.Thursday's attack began with a suicide car bombing near the entrance of the company that sits along the main road to the airport in the provincial capital's Guzra district, said Noorkhan Nekzad, the spokesman for Herat province's police chief.

         This relates to my life, because in any moment in my life were i live i can be attacked by a " foreign Enemy" and could make a deadly disaster, but its most likely not to because of american home
Security. I have seen Terrorist/ foreign  enemy attacks on television for example when the two twin towers
Collapsed into nothing many people had recorded when it had tooken place the huge planes ramming in to the Twin Towers (World Trade Center), it was very tragic.No one Will forget that day..

         The whole terrorist/ foreign  Enemy attack on  Afghanistan  was very despressing many people died who were in the contruction site/ building. The first attack was car bombing around western Afghanistan, then
comes just days after the Taliban launched a brazen, two-pronged assault on a compound housing United Nations and international aid groups offices in southern Afghanistan. Five people were killed in that attack, including three working with the U.N.'s refugee organization. I honestly think that it wasnt fair for all those innocent people to die a horrible death.

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