Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brazilian Police Invade Rio's Slums with Full Force

Name Ricardo Matadamas
Article#: 6
Title of Newspaper: North County Times
Title of Article: Brazilian Police Invade Rio's Slums with Full Force
Web Address:
Topic Article addresses: not sure

1. Brazilian police were sent in to the slums of Rio De Janeiro to try to eradicate drug lords, gang leaders and other bothersome people that hide in the twists and turns of the cliff side towns.  The Rocinha neighborhood is among one of the most notorious and gang written neighborhoods in all of south America, so authorities decided that would be a worthy point to start their invasion. The action in Rocinha is part of a campaign to drive the drug gangs out of the city's slums, where traffickers often ruled unchallenged. The effort paid off Thursday, when police captured Antonio Bonfim Lopes, known as "Nem," who was the most-wanted drug trafficker in Rio. He was found hiding in the trunk of a car.

2. This article relates to what we are learning in class because the Spanish people sent Hernan Cortes to capture land for them. He ended up in what is now mexico, around mexico city. The area at the time was settled in by the Mayans, an ancient race that is believed to be the first inhabitants of the world. Cortes and his crew at first befriended the people, and then began to slaughter them. They took their leader and killed him, seized their gold and precious resources and then claimed the land in the name of Spain. This relates to the 3,000 police invading the Slums because they didn't know what was going on in there, it's a shantytown and anything could've been happening, it's out of the public's eye. They invaded the slum with thousands of soldiers, as did Cortes and then seized their leader, which in this case was a drug lord.

3. This connects to my life as a citizen because i am guarded by the united states military. They protect us from foreign invaders, as well as inner threats such as terrorists. The Spanish people invaded the Mayan empire with no knowledge that they would have to kill anybody, but they thought that it would be empty, and full of resources and valuables such as gold, silver and otters. This connects to my life as a citizen because the U.S doesn't invade countries unless provoked, but in this day and age, we may need to start invading countries because were burning more resources than we have.

4. My opinion on the subject of the Brazilian police invading the slums is a thumbs up. The police had every right and reason to go into the slums full force, and then catch the criminals. They did the right thing by going in there and getting hands on, instead of just letting them manifest in the Slums and plot. My opinion on the matter of Cortes and the spanish people invading the Mayan empire, and slaying all of them is a thumbs down. It's simply because that's a horrible thing to do to some one/people.

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